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Top 4 Questions Every Engaged Couple Asks

Vida Weddings

So, you’ve finally found your soulmate, and you’re ready to take the next step in your relationship by booking an engagement session with Vida Weddings. You’re excited to capture this special time in your lives, but at the same time, you might have some concerns about how the session will turn out. Don’t worry, we’ve heard it all before! In this blog post, we’ll address some common concerns about engagement sessions and how we, at Vida Weddings, can make your session fun, natural, and most importantly, authentically you.

“We don’t know how to pose”

One of the most common concerns that couples have about engagement sessions is that they don’t know how to pose for the camera. It’s completely understandable – not everyone is a professional model, and it can be daunting to be in front of the camera, especially when you’re not sure what to do. But don’t worry! As professional photographers, we have plenty of experience posing couples and making them look their best.

During our engagement session, we’ll guide you through each pose and give you direction on how to position your body and your expressions. we’ll also make sure to take a variety of shots from different angles, so we can find the perfect angle that flatters you both. And if there’s something that’s not working or you’re not comfortable with a particular pose, we’ll simply move on to something else. The goal is to make you feel comfortable and confident in front of the camera, so we can capture beautiful, natural images that you’ll love for years to come.

“We don’t want to look forced and too posed”

We totally understand that you want to look and feel like yourselves in your engagement photos. That’s why we make sure to create a relaxed and fun atmosphere during the session. We want to capture your authentic selves and your love for each other, so we encourage you to be yourselves and have fun! We’ll guide you through some natural movements, such as walking hand in hand, hugging, and kissing, that will capture the essence of your relationship. We’ll also provide prompts that will evoke genuine emotions and expressions, resulting in natural and authentic photos that truly represent you as a couple.

“I’m not photogenic”

This is a common concern that we hear from many couples, but rest assured, our team of experienced photographers has the training and experience to make you look your best. We know how to use lighting, angles, and poses to create flattering images that showcase your best features. We’ll also provide you with tips on what to wear and how to prepare for your session, so you can feel confident and look your best.

“My fiancé hates photos”

Ah, yes. This is a common concern that we hear from many of our clients. It’s not uncommon for one person in a couple to be less enthusiastic about taking photos than the other. However, we believe that even the most camera-shy person can have a great experience during an engagement session.

First, we like to get to know our clients on a personal level before the session. This helps us understand their personality and preferences, as well as any concerns they may have. By building a relationship with our clients, we can create a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere during the photo session.

Second, we like to incorporate activities and games into our photo sessions. By giving our clients something to do, we can capture natural and authentic moments that truly reflect their personalities and emotions. For example, we might suggest a playful game of tag or a romantic walk through a scenic location. By keeping the focus on the experience rather than the photos themselves, we can help even the most camera-shy person feel more comfortable and at ease.

At Vida Weddings, we are committed to capturing your love story in the most authentic and beautiful way possible. Our engagement sessions are designed to showcase your unique personalities and relationship, and to create memories that you’ll cherish for a lifetime. So, if you’re still feeling a little unsure about your engagement session, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered. Contact us today to schedule your engagement session, and let us help you capture this special time in your lives in the most natural and beautiful way possible.

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